Introducing the Vertere Techno Mat

Introducing the Vertere Techno Mat

Techno mat is a new accessory to the Vertere range designed to both improve the performance of most turntables but also comfort some audiophiles who had expressed concern when changing records sitting directly on a hard Acrylic platter mat.

Techno mat is a two-layer mat comprising a randomly fibrous designed top layer bonded onto a Cork/Polymer compound layer. The top layer provides the record with an almost air cushion-like support. This air cushion keeps the inherent properties and characteristics of the vinyl record itself unchanged. The lower layer provides the required interface and connection to the platter in an inert manner.

The two, in combination, create as neutral a support for the vinyl record as possible.

Techno mat is approximately 3mm thick which with a 240mm tonearm represents a 0.72° change in VTA.

Important information before any listening test

Before installing your new techno mat, first, check the tracking weight/force and the VTA that you have your tonearm set to and ensure that after you've installed the techno mat, the settings are the same. If necessary, adjust the VTA and the tracking force as required to ensure that your original, optimised tonearm/cartridge settings remain as they were.

Techno mat is approximately 3mm thick which with a 240mm tonearm represents a 0.72° change in VTA. This is both audible on most systems, and the transition away from the arm being parallel to the record surface will change the tracking force on quite a few tonearms.

Two versions of Vertere techno mat

One has a 4.5mm diameter centre hole optimised for use with Vertere MG-1, SG-1 and RG-1 record players. The other has a 7.0mm diameter centre hole suitable for all other turntables.

Techno Mat Strobe Qs

Touraj explains the source of some of his background knowledge 

"Our collaboration with music industry engineers has given us invaluable insights into the art of cutting and advanced our record player design in many ways to extract the maximum from vinyl records.

For example, with his recent remixes of the Beatles albums, Giles Martin – son of the late Sir George – used a Vertere MG-1 record player including SG-1 tonearm and PHONO-1 preamplifier throughout to check and approve the acetates and the test pressings.

And we've worked closely with multi-award-winning mastering engineer Miles Showell: since February 2017 Miles has been using his own extensively customised Neumann VMS 80 lathe, incorporating Vertere cables, to cut normal and half-speed masters for the likes of ABBA, Cream, The Police and The Rolling Stones, and also the 50th-anniversary release of The Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and The Beatles (otherwise known as 'The White Album') and many more.

Miles also uses his SG-1 record player including SG-1 tonearm and PHONO-1 preamplifier to listen to and approve acetates and test pressings as well as to enjoy listening to his record collection.

Working closely with Miles has led to the first releases on our record label. They include a three-track EP and first album by Scottish band Caezar.  Our first album by Dutch singer/songwriter Elles Springs, which was specially tape-transferred and then half-speed mastered and cut by Miles.

It's only by involving ourselves at every stage of the record-making process that we can ensure our products bring you as close as possible to what the artists and engineers wanted." 

Techno Mat Sec Preview

We strongly advise that the purchase of a turntable mat should be after an in-store demo or a home demo. All Vertere record player stockists will be happy to support you with either. Demonstrations can be arrange by contacting your nearest Vertere retailer.


Happy Record Store Day #1


A matter of gravity: the relationship between the cartridge and tonearm